Imaginative Realism paintings

oil on canvas, 18" x 24" - 2011


oil on canvas, 6" x 8" - 2011


the natural Order

Oil on canvas, 24" x 24" - 2010


Blue Skies
Don't Lose Your Head

Gallery of select imaginative realism painting created between 2009 - 2011

oil on canvas, - 16" x 24" - 2011


oil on canvas, 16" x 20" - 2011


oil on canvas, 36" x 24" - 2010


The Information Age

oil on canvas, 20" x 16" - 2009


Another Sunrise

oil on canvas, 36" x 24" - 2009


Toxic Babylon

oil on wood panel, 20" x 16" - 2009

Religious Roulete

oil on canvas, 36" x 24" - 2008


I forgot To Mention Some Things...

oil on canvas, 10" x 8" - 2008
